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Verminous Knight – Malignant Descent

verminous knight – malignant descent


Sanguinous Moth, the sole member of Verminous Knight presents his debut album “Malignant Descent”.

Although operating from Spain, SM delivers a stone-cold bundle of tracks. Assisted by some guest musicians, Verminous Knights raw black metal comes thundering out of your speakers. The entity MW, responsible for the tight drumming is a real heavy hitter, keeping stuff on the tracks, playing fast and hard without overdoing things, keeping everything natural sounding.

Roanoke, the musician, not the island, drapes a layer of paper-thin Emperor like synths over some of the songs creating that sense of melancholy in the background.

SM’s shrieks are everything but monotonous, although everything is high pitched, somehow, he manages to provide sufficient variation and emphasis.

When you put all these elements mentioned above together, you get a terrific and varied Black Metal album, check out “Knights of Malignant Sins” as this track showcases all of the guy’s qualities. (Franki_boj)

Verminous Knight

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