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Veneficum – Enigma Prognosis

veneficum – enigma prognosis


The biography tells us that Veneficum’s ‘Enigma Prognosis’ is for sure one of the best of 2004. This is rather exaggerated in my opinion, although Veneficum delivered a charming album with ‘Enigma Prognosis’. This American band creates Symphonic Black Metal which reminds me to bands like Emperor, Graveworm and Dimmu Borgir.

Mostly bands like this irritates me after listen it a while, because the keyboards are taking away too much of the aggression of the music. Veneficum also uses lots of keyboards during the eleven songs on this album, yet this is one of the less Symphonic Black Metal bands that stays interesting all the time, and that’s because of the keyboard is actually replenishing something and doesn’t repeal the intention of the music, thanks to the supporting share and on occasion the beautiful magical, moody melody-lines of this instrument.

Also all other musicians of this band knows what they are doing and they’re not only control their instruments, they also understand the art of creating interesting songs. During the 73 minutes of playing time this album counts I never got bored and I enjoyed the tunes flew out of my speakers. ‘Enigma Prognosis’ isn’t one of the best albums of 2004 in my opinion, although it surely raises above the average level of albums released these days.


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