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Sorcery – Arrival at Six

sorcery – arrival at six


And again, a resurrection by a band who is considered as a certain cult act because of a demo or album in the beginning of the 1990s. Sorcery released a 7” and the more known debut ‘Bloodchilling Tales’ and got the nickname “Laziest Band Ever”.

At the moment of release it was not an album who got a lot of recognition or notice because of the disastrous deal with Underground Records, but it gained more publicity when it was re-released in mid-2000. Adding the 14 lineup changes during those years and you have yourself a painful beginning of a career in Death Metal.

After restarting the band and two demos, Dave Rotten of Xtreem Music signed them and claimed this is gonna be “true and pure Swedish Death Metal. No imitations here… this is the real deal!”. And I won’t let you dwell in despair…it is! Where the Purtenance album ‘Sacrifice the King’ was a slight disappointment, Xtreem Music got even with Sorcery.

‘Arrival at Six’ is without doubt a fine piece of Old School Swedish Death Metal. The fierce start with ‘We Who Walk Among the Dead’ is the perfect opener to celebrate the revival of the undead. It has fast parts, it has a certain groove, midtempo part with a nice melody and Ola Malmström is like the King of Maggots and everything is decomposing with his filthy growl!

The “Dismember of the albums that got released in 2000”-vibe is present, but Skogsberg turned it up a notch with the mix of this album as the bass is roaring like hell! ‘Arrival at Six’ is more than a pleasant comeback album.

Xtreem Music

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