- Band(s): The Kill
- Label(s): Obscene Productions
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2015
- Review Date: May 1, 2017
Grindcore not an easy genre, and surely not suitable for anyone. That being said, heres my review of the second full-length album from Australian grindcore band The Kill, but I can make this a short one. While their discography counts more splits then EPs and actual albums, you can say that this album is in one way a rare disc. Lets take a look at the music expect full blast, straight forward, short and piercing grindcore tracks with all instruments in maximum gear. This one only lasts for 26 minutes, but I can say that youll need a moment of rest after listening this one out. Its brutal, aggressive and blast beats tear up the place on this one. Bad to the bone, nothing more, just as grinders like their music served! OMG, this one is stunning. Fans of this genre stop at nothing, and be the one that can be proud to have this in his/her collection! Its worth every penny. (Fredde)