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Infamous Glory – Algor Mortis

infamous glory – algor mortis


Although Infamous Glory has been around already for quite a few years, in fact they are celebrating their 25th anniversary this year, I wouldn’t be surprised if the band never popped up to your radars yet. But don’t feel ashamed as the band actually started recording and releasing records some ten years ago but was only backed by a wide range of real local underground labels. And, frankly, the presented material was often decent, but not really more than that. But with ‘Algor Mortis’, the band’s newest album, released through the “classic” Black Hole Productions, things definitely start to change…

The first and most striking difference between ‘Algor Mortis’ and the preceding ‘An Ancient Sect Of Darkness’ is the production. Where the older recordings sound a bit flat and kind of lacks that fist-in-the-face power, ‘Algor Mortis’ has a nice and crunchy sound. Heavy and massive in terms of the guitars as well as the rumbling bass and snappy drums. It was already present on the majority of the older recordings, but the echo of the Swedish Death Metal school is really coming across nicely now.

But, although there is more than a subtle hint of Dismember, Fleshcrawl or Gorement in here, it doesn’t sound just like mere copycatting. We all love a bit of that HM2-buzzsaw sound and those D-beat rhythms, but Infamous Glory brings it in a more creative fashion. A bit in a way that slightly resembles the Germans of Nightbearer: yes, there is some buzzing guitars and recognizable Punk-beats, but there is a lot of nice melodicism as well as some creative song writing.

Alright, it might not be something that you have never heard before, but in a world in which Death Metal is getting increasingly bland and predictable, Infamous Glory is definitely refreshing the genre. If you liked that last album of Nightbearer or just Death Metal that combines both all recognizable elements with rejuvenating energy, you definitely should give ‘Algor Mortis’ a go.

Infamous Glory

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