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Helfahrt – Wiedergang

helfahrt – wiedergang


We’ve mentioned it before: it seems like a new horde is once more sweeping across Europe the past few years, more than a thousand years later. I am talking about the huge army of German Pagan bands, and Helfahrt is already coming up with their second album called ‘Wiedergang’.

Helfahrt does not belong to the so-called happy site of Pagan metal: this is the real deal! Sure, the band uses flutes and harps, but only for accents and not to make the tunes danceable. You might say that Helfahrt belongs to the more grim side of Pagan metal: had they been from Norway, I am sure that it would have been called typical Viking Metal.

Helfahrt is not really original, but they do their thing the right way: if I was to make references (which is my job, so let’s do it) I would say that the main influences would be old Enslaved, Ulver and Kampfar, larded with that typical German heathen touch. The band manages to blend epic parts and raging parts together in a fluent way, of which ‘Wiedergänger’ is a typical example, a song which reminds me pretty much of Kampfar for instance. Vocalist Sebastian sounds very aggressive, at least not one of those many singers in the genre that use those damn monotonous clean vocals which live sound often like the vocalist had too many drinks before going on stage.

‘Wiedergang’ has turned into a strong album, and if you don’t mind a little lack of originality, but do appreciate well executed and aggressive Viking/Pagan metal, I am pretty sure that ‘Wiedergang’ is one of those albums from 2008 that you should really try out if you like the Pagan/Heathen German Metal bands: I know I did and I don’t have any regret buying this album. The band has quite a lot of live shows ahead, including shows abroad, and I think that Helfahrt is a band you should really check out: either on stage, or by means of this strong second album (or both)…


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