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Funeral Storm / Synteleia – The Ancient Calling [Split]

funeral storm / synteleia – the ancient calling [split]


Splits and the difficulty I have in taking them as valid ahahah! “The Ancient Calling” is the union of two entities from the Greek islands: Funeral Storm and Synteleia.

2019 introduced me to the Greeks of Funeral Storm, and what a beautiful surprise it was. Greek Black Metal that reeks of Greek Black Metal. Simple? In a way yes. Those familiar with the “sub-genre” are well aware of what to expect: what Rotting Christ hasn’t done in years… and an excellent reproduction of melodic Black Metal, of course! Nightfall and Septic Flesh, circa 90s, is the best I can remember hearing as a boy! All the melody so specific of the Hellenic bands is present in the Funeral Storm theme, and goes to the other half of this split belonging to Synteleia.

In a way, both themes easily merge. A lot of melody, many riffs taken from the streets of Athens. Funeral Storm reflects all the experience they have (not to forget Mr Stefan Necroabyssious and his Varathron), and how perfect their homage (or logical creation) to Hellenic Black Metal is. As for Synteleia, the quality is very latent in this theme, that there is no doubt, but it is a few points below the one created by the partners of split.

In conclusion, and even though it points to a “winner”, the balance is very audible. I just “criticize” the fact that we are given only 1 track per band. (DanielP)


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