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Embalming Theatre – Sweet Chainsaw Melodies [Re-Release]

embalming theatre – sweet chainsaw melodies [re-release]


What we’ve got here is a re-release for Embalming Theatre’s second album “Sweet Chainsaw Melodies” from 2003 which was originally released by top-notch always-on-top Razorback Records (the vinyl version was put out by the somewhat cult label Putrid Filth Conspiracy Records). For some unknown reason Power-It-Up Records from Germany decided to throw it back on the market again, though I cant imagine that it was completely sold-out or hard to find as I come by the original release every now and then. Even though I have a shitload of releases of this bunch of filthpigs from Switzerland I didn’t have this one yet, so for me it is a first encounter with this effort.

A quick look learns me that this is a straigh-from-the-masters re-release, which means that it is just the original album without any extra’s or anything additionally thrown in. In comparison to later works, like the most recent “The World Is A Stage… For Murder!!!” from 2005 on No Escape Records, this sounds a little different. Different in terms of sound and approach of the genre. Nowadays the band sounds more like a dark and filthy sounding death metal band, on this album the band is clearly more of a grindcore band with rather pounding death metal riffs. The trademarks for Embalming Theatre are already audible, the very dark and murky sounding riffs and the one-of-a-kind vocals which are anything but to-throated, instead they are deep gurgling sounds which almost sound like if the words are narrated by some dying old freak. These vocals are most likely the thing that most people have to get used to, as they are really different from what you’re used to. Still they make a good combination with all the rest of the music. Lyric wise they were already on their way to the concept they use these days, macabre stories taken from the newspapers all around the world. A juicy one about a woman who chopped her husband to pieces and fed it to their kids or a killing of a girl on a party after which they ate the corpse. Bon appetit!

To me this album is even better than their later works, so if you were as stupid as me to let pass this by three years ago I suggest you to dig it up this time. Good thing from Embalming Theatre is that you never have to wait long for the next release to pop up as they are one of the most productive bands in the world, so, bring them in!

Embalming Theatre

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