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Cosmic Putrefaction – Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones

cosmic putrefaction – crepuscular dirge for the blessed ones


When I come across any Cosmic Putrefaction release I immediately know I am going to delve into a world like no other. Being a fan for quite some time of this project, I wanted to highlight the “Crepuscular Dirge For The Blessed Ones” album, despite a new album just got released as well.

The Italian one man juggernaut is one that is actually a huge influence one of my own projects ‘Venomous Echoes’. Having gotten to know Gabriel Gramaglia a bit over the last year or so really drives home the fact that he is a massive talent in the Death Metal scene.

The opener ‘…Through Withered Horizons’ is a war cry into a void of terror. Muffled voices give a feeling of someone locked in a mental asylum talking to themselves through a manic episode, only to be shot into ‘Sol’s Upheaval Debris’. A soaring lead over thick blasts and torn guitar strings ripping through the very fabric of our sanity. The vocals very reminiscent of Wrest’s vocals from Leviathan. There are organ sections in the track as well that are exquisite.

‘From Resounding Silence to the Obsidian Womb’ hits you like a brick wall in the vain of Old School Death Metal that comes from another dimension. Creeping and slithering it’s way through your veins like a drug you cannot put down. The middle section feels as if you are standing before an unfathomable being staring at you as you dissolve into oblivion.

As you get to ‘Amniotic Bewilderment’ you know by now that this album will never relent. Death Metal and hard hitting thrash riffs morph back and forth and then dissolve into the most unique Progressive Death Metal riffs of all time. It’s as if the skin is shredded off your skin to reveal a new version of a disgusting being over and over again.

The album keeps twisting and turning until your psyche breaks completely when you reach the title track of the album. Which brings a haunting conclusion with chorus clean guitars that remind one a bit of The Cure and their signature chorus effects. But this then turns into some Death Doom that would even scare the shit out of most heavy hitters in the genre. The track becomes more and more strange as the vocals kick in. A dissonant masterpiece. Then epic synths wash over everything like a tidal wave of despair.

Cosmic Putrefaction

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