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Cosmic Mockery – Within the Callous Hands of Fate

cosmic mockery – within the callous hands of fate


A soul infuriated and baptized in the light of the scorned word may seek to find a resolution, to pierce the side of the holy and tear asunder the mouth which spouts false parables. But if the links were severed from that which chains a mind, for the inhibitions to merge with the one who shuns it, for sin to be stained on the tongue, then the sermons that it speaks would take the form of Cosmic Mockery’s ‘Within the Callous Hands of Fate’.

At its very core essence, the energy this album commands using the transmission of raw, old School Black Metal to sculpt an altar, an altar which propels its malevolent sound to ascend like the flames that lick the pyre upon which it is lit. The main crux of the album assert its dominance in the atmosphere that is woven from the notes which are in turn drenched from that which would seek to drown it in purity, in other words, the very grit and haphazardness that is resonated from instruments stippling the flesh of this beast, imbuing onto it and tangible texture in its motion. Tracks such as ‘Bestial Warlord’ and ‘Pervisions of Divinity’ and even the instrumental pieces, ‘Distortion’ all carry traits of a visceral behaviour in the dissonance they unleash, for even though the shapes they conjure differ from each track, the sinew which binds the chaos creating a cohesive ritualistic experience.

The very power that is emitted from the album manifests a war-like spirit, that ignites the consciousness, for if the mind were to be set ablaze by the inferno of self disgust and destruction, taking the blade so that it’s steel may be stained by the ichor of its venom, where the blade is now but a servant onto that which pulsates forth from open wounds, then ‘Within the Callous Hands of Fate’ would represent this… For the spirit that becomes unshackled obeys naught the instrument of punishment nor the scars that it may give.

Cosmic Mockery

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