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Ancient Guard – Nightfall Enthroned [EP]

ancient guard – nightfall enthroned [ep]


While ‘Nightfall Enthroned’ might be the debut EP by a new band, the sole member behind Ancient Guard is everything but a rookie. With this new project none less than Runespell’s (and ex-Eternum, ex-Blood Stronghold) Nightwolf has driven himself into new musical territories. Albeit, although Ancient Guard is indeed something different from Runespell, the careful listener will definitely hear a few similarities as well…

Whereas Runespell is clearly based upon the touchstones of European sounding Pagan Black Metal as crafted by the likes of Graveland and early Falkenbach, Ancient Guard dwells in more dreamlike soundscapes. While it might not be entirely new territory, as this clearly bears resemblances with early Runespell and especially late Blood Stronghold, with Ancient Guard the Australian is pushing things a bit further than he’d ever done before.

Immediately from the start we are treated to well-crafted Atmospheric Black Metal in which both the guitars and keyboards swirl in circles into what seem endless streams of long-drawn out and repeating melodies that together conjure a state of soothing slumber. Without wanting to compare both of Nightwolf’s musical vehicles too much, it is somewhat inevitable and that is pretty much because of his recognizable style of composing and the evidently comparable musical DNA. As with the third track of this EP, ‘A Moonscape Abyss’ we again stumble upon the ghost of Graveland. It already reared its head in the main riff of the second song, but at this third track it just is undeniable, both in the epic riffs and in the croaking vocal style. That very sound just seems very persistently ingrained in the way Nightwolf crafts his music. Don’t get me wrong, as it works just fine, also within the framework of this more atmospheric approach to the Black Metal genre.

The stunning dynamics that we are used to from Runespell is also present on these three tracks and acoustic outro/fade out, yet on ‘Nightfall Enthroned’ it feels less impressive and while the melodies do evoke a majestic sound, the music on this EP is remarkably more flat. Amid the cut-throat competition of today’s Atmospheric Black Metal field, ‘Nightfall Enthroned’ doesn’t really stand out, it just lacks enough memorable moments and the overall sound is just too slick and smooth. Still, adding up all the pluses and minuses, it’s not a bad debut EP, but keeping all the above in mind, I do understand some comments of people who actually expected a bit more from a seasoned musician such as Nightwolf.

Last year Nightwolf announced that he would continue Runespell as a band with a full line-up instead of a solo-project, to still be able to pursue some of his own ideas he created this new entity called Ancient Guard. And, frankly, the music is indeed not like what we heard on Runespells last album, but it doesn’t feel like it is miles apart from it either. So, I think it is safe to say that Ancient Guard needs a bit of time to fully come to fruition, as for now the cornerstones are unquestionably there and arguably put in the right places too, it might just needs a bit of tweaking.

Iron Bonehead Productions

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