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Alchemyst – Nekromanteion

alchemyst – nekromanteion


From the vast Thuringian forestlands hail Alchemyst, an occult oriented band that fuses the inheritance of the metallic past, from everything betwixt the raw, unpolished icons of Venom, and the mesmerizing incantations of the second wave of Black Metal, into a slab of mystical worship, all this emphasized with hints of necronomical primitive Death Metal and touches of Celtic Frost-ridden melodies of Doom.

Despite the obvious aforementioned ingredients, even up to the Tom Warrior-like ‘Uh’s’, Alchemyst prove themselves able to re-animate the sound developed by the pioneers of antediluvian Exxxtreme Metal into something rather fresh. By alternating merciless brutality at dazzling speed with morbid melodies. A humble ode that indicates the vividness and stength of Death, Black and Doom metal, ensuring the conquering of generations of metalheads to come.

In all honesty, I do not expect Alchemyst to be ahead of the pack, but these German warriors seem comfortable taking their place amidst other bands that do not franticallly cling to one style, but blend the best of more worlds into an own sound. Think of a band like Mortuary Drape, or perhaps more recent Teitanblood. Overall the pace is rather low to midtempo, with occasional outbursts of raging blasts.

All of this decorated with strategically placed synth parts. By not making their chants too long, Alchemyst succeeds in holding the attention. Halfway the album, the intermezzo ‘Circle of Elements’, laced with acoustic guitars and Gregorian chants, acts as the eye of the storm, afterwards building up to the epic grand finale.

An excellent album for lovers of the occult and fans of both whirling Black Metal and the brutality of Death Metal, and bands with an eye for good melodies.


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