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Absu – The Sun of Tiphareth

absu – the sun of tiphareth


In 1995 Dallas’ blackest returned with their second album entitled ‘The Sun of Tipareth’. Absu changed the path they walked on ‘Barathrum V.I.T.R.I.O.L.’ (standing for ‘Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultul Lapidem’, I had to said it once) drastically.

Their own faced Black Metal got literally thrashed up, which makes Absu the band we know today. Yet ‘The Sun of Tipareth’ is more mid tempo based compared to their later releases. And the self titled track is perhaps the one the most related with their debut album, but personally it’s my favorite on this record.

Absu only make it hard for all other American bands – Their Blackened Thrash metal is just no competition. Hail Absu!

Osmose Productions

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