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Pagan Moon – Arcane Solitude [Demo]

pagan moon – arcane solitude [demo]


Pagan Moon is a band / project of the musician called LH from Salt Lake City, Utah. “Arcane Solitude” is his first three track demo and drew the attention of Knife Vision, who released it on their label. And with good reason. The raw Black Metal with eerie synths will appeal to many underground BM fans and collectors. I have to admit , there is variation aplenty on this demo …

Title track “Arcane Solitude” starts mid-paced, backed up by keyboards or synths in the old ominous and martial Graveland style. Cold, harsh and venomous before picking up speed, resulting in fast paced BM with haunted echoing vocals. “To Cast a Pagan Spell” is also fast and again with keyboards in the background to add that extra mystical flavour. Vocals seem to emerge from a cave. Nice touch. The guitar sound is, as required, raw and fairly simple but effective.  “A Mountain, a Throne / Outro” is the last track on the demo and the piece de résistance … 8 minutes of cold, raw Black Metal with epic keyboards.

The songs are quite solid, well-performed and well-produced for a first effort. Pagan Moon are clearly influenced by the second wave of BM, drawing inspiration from the forces and majestic grandeur of nature and anti-christianity / paganism. Main influences seem to be the earlier mentioned old Graveland, early Emperor, Burzum – the unpolished music of the early second wave of BM. No blatantly rip off nor copy, though. Pagan Moon strive to forge a style of their own. At this stage all is still a bit embryonal.

Nonetheless an excellent underground demo. Not entirely perfect, but still worthy enough to leave a lasting impression. Black Metal may be an art – it’s not rocket science. Hopefully we hear from Pagan Moon again in the near future. Enjoy the tape. (LCF, published on Nov 28, 2019)

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‘Arcane Solitude’ is the debut demo from Salt lake City based anti-religious one man Black Metal project Pagan Mood. Released in 2019, the demo saw a cassette re-release through now-defunct label Knife Vision, as well as a CD release later on by Albanian Black Metal label Medieval Werewolf Antiquarium Label.

‘Arcane Solitude’ is a great example of early 90’s Ambient Black Metal nostalgia, particularly the first few Burzum releases. The opening title track has a slow, plodding tempo that I love in Black Metal. Muffled drum tones, simple riffs with frost crumbling from them, and a subtle astral sounding synth undertone. Perfect. It isn’t trying to be clever, nor intricate; just a well worn route to Black Metal perfection. Of course nothing is truly perfect, but that is the Black Metal way. Soon the pedestrian pace is increased to one of aggressive fury, and this sounds damn good too!

There isn’t much more to say about this. Just a twenty minute blast of old school Black Metal, performed well and unwaveringly! (Marksson, published on Jan 16, 2023)

Medieval Werewolf Antiquarium Label

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