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Ouija – Fathomless Hysteros

ouija – fathomless hysteros


Around the time I co-founded this zine, Ouija released their debut album, ‘Riding into the Funeral Paths’, back in 1997. I remember it well for two reasons: the Repulse Records adverts and because it was the first Black Metal release on that particular label, known for their Death Metal releases. Additionally, the release after that, Abramelin’s self-titled album, was the first promotional item I received from them. And now, 27 years later, both the label (Xtreem Music these days) and VM are still going strong. But enough about nostalgic old geezer stuff, let’s get back to Ouija.

Ouija’s road has been bumpy over the years, with full-lengths released in 1997 and 2013 (‘Ave Voluptatis Carnis’), and their third album finally seeing the light in 2022. As you can see, there are some gaps in between.

On ‘Fathomless Hysteros,’ Ouija doesn’t sound anything like they did in 1997, if that was your reference point. Melodic Black Metal is still their game, though. You’ll hear mid/late 90s Swedish tremolo picking and melodic riffs, evident in tracks like ‘I See You Without Eyes.’ While the opening of ‘Bestia Negra’ has a Drudkh touch, don’t expect a full-on Slavonic Black Metal album.

The album concludes with two re-recorded tracks, including ‘Unbriedled Transylvanian Passion’ from their debut album, to complete ‘Fathomless Hysteros.’

I’m sure some of you will get a kick out of this decent dose of Black Metal.

Negra Nit Distro

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