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Old – Down with the Nails

old – down with the nails


Old is a German Black Metal band off of Fenriz’s label, Tyrant Syndicate. Their no bull, no trends Thrashed Black Metal is better than Darkthrone’s ventures into cross-genre territories will ever be. Old’s debut full-length in 2006 should have caused a mass rate of suicides, because ‘Down with the Nails’ with its catchy, simplistic Black Metal, perfect Thrash-injected solos and cold and whiskey drenched, throat-tearing screams, just can’t be beat.

There’s a clear as day inspiration from early Celtic Frost on their first track, ‘Black Jewel Throne.’ The guitars chomp down on rusted metal as the ‘unghs’ and slow to fast paces are just oh so familiar without any tiring ‘been there done that’ sentiment. It’s like taking a classic horror movie and making a better version of it; thought to be impossible, but so amazing and eye-opening when you watch it. Exquisitely evil, ‘Lust in Red’ is non-stop, choir-killing Metal. It’s one of the most addicting songs ever and ties with ‘Empire in Flames’ in being the best track on the album. A mid-paced tempo sets the stage up for claustrophobic and memorable hammering down of melting nails. The lyrical theme is Satan, killing, blood and overall mayhem, but won’t make you crack a smile. ‘Triumph of Hell’ is heavily padded with a grim-tethered atmosphere of possessing Black Metal. ‘Scream for Hell’ has an incredible build-up into absolute fist-pounding heathenism. With a sound like this, Old must be one of the best bands to hear live.

These guys are tight, primal and are classic Black/Thrash Metal brought back to life in the flesh. Listen to Hellhammer, Venom and Bathory after ‘Down With the Nails’ and you’ll hear that this album can be placed right alongside those 80’s legends. Old isn’t simply homage to the olden days of Extreme Metal, but a horde drunk of rawness and iron. Old’s ‘Down with the Nails’ should come with a warning label as it’s basically a 30 minute dose of musical crack. Just be sure to purchase at least two copies, because one is bound to be worn out if you don’t transfer it onto your computer. Old is a band of geniuses drunk on old school spirits. I say, in with the Old, out with the new!


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