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Nyctophobic – Blast From The Past [Compilation]

nyctophobic – blast from the past [compilation]


This is one of those discography CDs from a grindcore/death metal band. It will be quite a task to count all those CDs that cover a whole career of a band, especially the last few years have been crazy on this matter. The ultimate collection would be Agathocles’ singles collection, now spanning over four full-length CDs, and there is still more to come… Anyway, this is discography is from Germany’s Nyctophobic which has never really been any huge or even that popular, so whether this collection of old singles is much needed is to be questioned.

Over the years I’ve seen a few vinyl singles and compilation CDs/LPs coming and it seems that this CD covers most of them – as far as I’m concerned only one split CD is missing, that one was released on Shindy Productions and was a split with Garbage Disposal. Other than that one, all splits/EPs seem to be here, yet, itts rather strange this CD is not on any chronological order at all. Starting off with, possibly their best effort ever, the split 7” with Exhumed which was originally released back in 1998 on Revenge Productions (the Exhumed tracks were re-released on their “Platters Of Splatter” 2CD singles compilation CD in 2004 on Relapse Records). Then their split with the faster and more crusty Entrails Massacre which features Alex Schulze on vocals (who got his fame with the old school grinders of Blood and the rather obscure and cult Naked Whipper!). After these vinyl split EPs there are the tracks of their four-way split CD that went under the name of “Four Ways To Misery” (the other bands on this split were the South-African Groinchurn and the rather unknown Caesarean Section and Winter of Discontent). The other three releases are all vinyl EPs, a full EP (“Negligenced Respect”) that was supposed to be their debut but due to a small mistake the split with Agathocles was released first. Last is the “The Tomb Of Grind” compilation 7”.

It must be said that the song quality of the songs might differ a bit from recording to recording (some tracks are even recorded live), but it still gives a proper overview of the bands career, so far. Though it is not fully complete “Blast From The Past…” is a (not-so-)essential part of the German grindcore and death metal history, which remains a country that never got hold of the scene with a few exceptions. Yet, for those who are unfamiliar with Nyctophobic, this is quite a good moment to catch up with them – as the only released two full-lengths since their inception in 1992, this CD would be the easiest to get nowadays. For those who have no idea what to expect, Nyctophobic plays a bit of a blend between death metal and grindcore in the most simple way – old school from A to Z. Their nice primitive pummelling and rumbling are quite easy-come-easy-go but are still very much enjoyable, and though these Germans will never be top-notch or anything, I enjoyed this disc quite a lot and got me digging through my old vinyl EPs to see how the originals looked like. Maybe a bit of a trip down nostalgia’s lane but still very much entertaining, so this is certainly recommended to those who are interested in getting a bit of a treat on some of the most primitive and simple German grindcore that could only be made by a few bands. Blood is one of those other bands that deserves (another) mention here. I really doubt if this CD is a big seller, but Czech’s Khaaranus Productions deserves a big thumbs up for releasing this ugly thing!


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