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Nördmör – Blood of the North

nördmör – blood of the north


And Siberia declares war on the world. Siberian barbarians going to war all over the world, destroying everything in their path! From Krasnoyarsk, Russia comes Nördmör bringing true Siberian Black Metal to the unexpected metal fan. Nördmör seems to be the project from Xardas, who is also active in the Black/Speed Metal band Bastärd.

Musically, Nördmör plays a type of raw, militant and high paced icy Black Metal with very abrasive guitars and noisy drums that are prominent in the mix. The fast, nervous tremolo picking, the buzzy and grinding guitar sound, the raw and necrotic vocals, it reminds a bit of old Marduk, Parnassus and even Satanic Warmaster.

Songtitles like “Gjällähørn”, “Fimbülvinter”, “I røttene av fjellet” or “Rägnärøk” reveal that Nôrdmör like to draw their inspiration and lyrical content from their Norge colleagues.

“Blood of the North” was recorded and produced with the utmost care as can clearly be heard. All instruments are where they ought to be, performance and song structures are impeccable. The overall sound remains very raw throughout the entire album, yet leaves enough room for a hint of melody.

An admirable first effort, this “Blood of the North”: well-crafted and conceived in the tradition of raw and fast Black Metal.

I strongly advise fans of this genre to check out Nördmör. And hopefully we hear more about this band or project in the near future. (LCF)


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