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Larvae – Acid Horror Cult [EP]

larvae – acid horror cult [ep]


For me, this ‘Acid Horror Cult’-EP was my first introduction to the Romanian/Italian Larvae, but I wouldn’t have minded hearing it before. Not often I came across a case in which the band name and the title of the release fit so well together as in this one. From an acid horror cult crawls the larvae to suck you into their decaying world of brooding and rancid Death Metal.

Larvae was born out of the mind of the spirited Lucilia Sericata (named after the scientific name for the greenfly laying eggs on necrotic tissues and excrements); and although second band member Disgusting Dennis can still be heard on this EP, Lucilia now runs Larvae all by herself. So Larvae now turned into a solo-project, it raises the question of what the hell is wrong with Lucilia. After all, a healthy person does not come up with this kind of music . The music goes from sluggish Doom/Death to more up-beat Death Metal and is graced by a spacey atmosphere, some eerie (turned backwards) samples, growling bass and buzzing guitars. But what strikes the most are Lucilia’s vocals, from deep growling to high creaking or creepy haunting child-like humming. She sounds like a rabid and possessed maniac. The combination of the slow, dragging pace and the downright filthy vocals give ‘Acid Horror Cult’ a pretty unique sound that is enhanced by the occasional sinister sounding background keyboards. The bare, stripped-down sound and production fits the atmosphere of the songs perfectly and complements it.

Anyone with a strong stomach and a penchant for all things nasty and despicable should definitely give Larvae a try. At the time of writing, this 3-track mini gem of gore is only available on cassette tape in South America, but will soon be released on cassette tape via Unholy Domain Records and on 7″ EP via Dawnbreed Records. I would say: keep an eye on it and pick up a copy!

Larvae [ROU]

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