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Kriegszittern – Flamethrower

kriegszittern – flamethrower


What a convenient album title for these fine league of warmongers: ‘Flamethrower’. It would be rather odd to call it a ‘basket of flowers’, wouldn’t it?

Alright, we established the theme…has the music itself changed with this new album? I can easily say it remains the same as the foundation of it all is still the UK scene, with early Bolt Thrower at the forefront. For example, some of the drum fills are typical Bolt Thrower.

To emphasise the UK connection, the gaffers have covered ‘Warmachine’ of UK’s veteran crust punk Thrashers Axegrinder for this album. A solid blend of groovin’ and grindin’ Old School Death Metal for your ears.

Closing track ‘War Eternal’ is the perfect ending, mid-tempo and doomy…like the dust and gunpowder is clearing up from the battlefield. You still smell the gasoline of the flamethrower… but as far as the eye can see, only corpses so far.


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