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Iskandr – Euprosopon

iskandr – euprosopon


When I first to listened to “Euprosopon” by Iskandr, I did not expect the 4 back to back re-spins that followed, incidentally, that should be the first clue to how great this album is. One listen to this release from Iskandr is sure to give you that old dark feeling that we all know and love when we come across a great Black Metal album!

“Euprosopon” delivers a bleak and hateful style of Black Metal that is charged with its themes of Paganism. The album features four tracks that clock in at 45 minutes, giving us a healthy dose of Heathenistic Black Metal from the Netherlands. “Euprosopon” gives us some fantastic mid tempo riffs that are filled with thick and heavy layers of atmospheric bliss. “O” handles both the Guitars and the Vocals on “Euprosopon”, and both are executed with precision and elevate the sound of this record to near epic status. Ghostly and haunting vocals finish of the mix giving it that atmospheric “cavernous” effect and truly adding to the dark vibes this album delivers throughout. Heavy doses of reverb and gain are to be found on this one, however, the clarity is still present making this one great listen. The drums performed by “M” were well timed and added to the overall feel of the record without going over the top.  By the time this review was finished, I had listen to this album at least 6 times through, and I imagine just as many to come in the next few days! (Azag Galla)


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