Extreme Metal Fanzine est. 2012

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Had – Had [EP]

had – had [ep]


Ah, sweet Denmark and their nowadays Old School Death Metal! They do have a winning streak going on, don’t they?

Had is created by H and M, which could be easily a multinational clothing-retail company, but this time we are dealing with members who are spreading the Death Metal disease with acts like Deiquisitor, Hyperdontia, Taphos, Sulphurous and Ulcerot…just to name a few, and it seems they had some time left to form Had. Like most of the Denmark bands, the Death Metal is dark, a bit murky and massive and has groove…it is like an army of zombies are crossing a lake of slime. It is absolutely the combination of the groovy riffs, the low growl and the variation of pace, drumming and the use of leads which makes this EP a very interesting one in my book.

Definitely something to check out if you enjoy the nowadays Danish scene or Old School Death Metal with a dark atmosphere in general. (Ricardo)


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