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Fjøsnisse – Vord

fjøsnisse – vord


Anders Vada, the bloke behind this Norwegian Black Metal project, just started a couple of years ago. 2019 to be precise, and already has the statistics to show that creating and releasing material isn’t a problem for him.

“Vord” is the third full-length and its fundament is without any doubt the scene from his own country. And when you add sagas and folk tales as both lyrical and musical inspiration, the enthusiast among us knows enough.

With sharp vocals, fast riffs and icy melodies Vada mixes the end ’90 releases of Immortal, Satyricon and Taake, with some winks towards elder releases as well, (just listen to the opening of “Gjenferd”), and give it a swirl of its one to it.

According to my standards; it is not outstanding yet, as entire songs don’t stick but only parts of them, but the potential to create something outstanding is definitely there. (Ricardo)


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