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Draugnim – Verum Malum

draugnim – verum malum


It was a long wait. Draugnim needed no less than eight years to come up with this fourth full-length album and follow-up of the amazing ‘Vulturine’ (Debemur Morti Productions, 2016). ‘Vulturine’ is an album that, in those intervening years, has found its way to my ears on a pretty regular basis and it never failed to amaze me. The power and the melodicism, the catchiness and the bewildering speed… It just kept me getting back to it. So, it is an understatement to state that I was very much looking forward to a new album, which finally arrived through their new home of Naturmacht Productions.

The bands’ first two efforts are, as a whole, quite a entertaining listen as well, but it really was with ‘Vulturine’ that things really started to fall in place. All the individual musical elements found a near perfect balance and really reinforced each other, resulting in a piece of enchanting beauty, full of swirling and intricate riffs.

And, frankly, much of that beauty is also to be found on ‘Verum Malum’. As a whole, it might be just a little less catchy and overall enthralling, but it is the trademark sound of Draugnim that still makes the album irresistible. The flaming speed still contrasts splendidly with the melodies and the intense barking vocals; that wall of sound of those riffs and blast beats combine in an astounding smothering density. Altogether, this might not be something that is really unheard of, but in this both brutal and delicate way, makes Draugnim a truly unique experience.

Most likely because of the intensity of the music and the harsh vocals, the music of Draugnim, in general, has been filed under a wide range of different labels. From Death Metal to Pagan Black Metal. While there is a certain bit of Death Metal in the vocal approach and the triumphant melodies do carry hints of Pagan Metal, it also shows that labelling music is not always as easy – or necessary, for that matter. But it is also testament to a band that brings forth boundless music that appeals to a wider audience, but, if ‘Verum Malum’, in all its glorious power, proves anything, than it is that it doesn’t need any labels at all.


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