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Disembody – Reigniting Hellfire

disembody – reigniting hellfire


Disembody who hails from Finland is the latest in a Black Thrash cadre of groups who are looking to ride the wave of this sound. If you take a lot of Nifelheim, a small amount of the Toxic Holocaust-type Thrash you have a good idea of what you are in for. There are moments as well of Midnight but much more Black Metal leaning and maybe a bit of Necrophobic. I say this because of the snippets of guitar harmonies and melodies that give you that vibe. Plus you have the Chris Moyen cover art that gives you a good hint of the audible terror you are about to embark upon.

I have mentioned in past reviews my preference for albums of a shorter runtime. With this album being a bit over 30 minutes. and some songs kind of blend into each other, it makes for a better listen. Multi-instrumentalist J.J. has a mid-raspy vocal style with not too much variation. The songs are all at the same speed with the aforementioned melodies being the only difference/distinction in some of the songs.

Production is decent enough and slightly thin in sound and substance. I think more crunch in the guitar would elevate the songs a bit more. Songs are a tad on the simple side, not enough ear candy but you can also take it as one big blunt force of Blackened/Speed mayhem.

Overall not a bad release, entertaining for the moment, and if you have a fondness of the aforementioned bands.


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