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Decaying Form – Chronicles Of Decimation

decaying form – chronicles of decimation


This Australian trio, though recorded as a duo, comes up with their debut album through Spanish underground label Dan’s Crypt Records and shows exactly the down side of modern recording techniques…

With today’s modern recording techniques and computers every retard is able to record an album with a sound that isn’t too bad. With internet sites like MySpace it is rather easy to spread your music as well. This album is a good example of mediocrity, recorded at homestudios, spread through the internet and picked up by a small backroom-label. Not that Decaying Form is the worst band around, definitely not, but it is clearly a band that needed some more practice (especially the drummer) before putting out a debut album on silver discs. As a demo this would be pretty acceptable, but as an actual album on a serious label, this is just below the acceptance level. Though the ideas are pretty damn interesting, the execution is just too weak. The trio plays technical death metal, USA-styled, pretty much in the vein of fellow Australians Psycroptic and the likes, let’s say Neurotic Records’s styled death metal. Loads of breaks, tempo changes and deep throat grunts. Besides the rather wacky playing this band suffer from a too digital sound on the guitars, with a more downtuned and well balanced sound it would most likely reached the ‘ok’-level. Unfortunately, this scores right under that level.

Decaying Form

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Dan's Crypt Records

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