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Cryptic Hatred – Internal Torment

cryptic hatred – internal torment


It’s been said a million times already that nothing being put out these days is groundbreaking or reinventing the wheel, and for the most part I agree with that. Some bands fuse certain elements and genres and create an interesting take on things that can make some fans sit up and take notice or bring in some new infusion of fans. I appreciate and look for the bands that have that energy, excitement or even just a bit of rambunctiousness in their style and approach. Those are the types of things that will make me at my age still get up and air guitar to, headbang with, or do those air drum fills along with the music.

So here is where Cryptic Hatred comes into play for me. I first became aware of them on their release ‘Nocturnal Sickness’. I will admit I was intrigued by the album cover at first (yeah, I’m one of those people) but when I took the moment to listen to the music, I was surprised and intrigued by what I was hearing. Take equal parts Dismember, Grotesque, Autopsy, and early Cannibal Corpse and infuse it with their youthful energy and also just in general, attack it with a great sense of mood, melody, and conviction. So needless to say that album has been on heavy rotation for me.

So having said that I was eager to take on this latest release entitled ‘Internal Torment’ from the band and hear how they have progressed (or not) I am happy to say that for the most part, they still hit all the sweet spots for me. They have still maintained the core of the sound from the aforementioned bands but now they have injected a slightly more prominent sense of melody into their songwriting.

I will also say I hear a bit more of the Florida Death Metal style with some Cannibal Corpse and Deicide sounds coming through the mix. The other thing is that with age and experience their sound has become a bit more refined. I also feel a better production helps or conveys a more thoughtful attack in their sound. If I have anything to gripe about it is that fact. I miss that more grimy, old-school sound from the early releases from the band. Nothing bad with this mind you but like mentioned, time changes things. They were quite young when they hit the scene so that youthful energy has been tempered somewhat.

If you are that type of person who looks for that old school type of sound and puts forth a bit of that new generation type of approach such as Revel In Flesh, Scars Of The Flesh, and others along those lines you should be pleased. Give Cryptic Hatred a go and you may come away with a new fave to your playlist.