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Consumption – Recursive Definitions Of Suppuration

consumption – recursive definitions of suppuration


Total Carcass worship here! In fact it’s absolutely perfect if that was the desired goal. It is as if Carcass has released a kick ass album before “Heartwork”.

I enjoyed this all the way thru and the headbobbing riffs were non stop thru the entire thing. From beginning to end this is awesome Metal in the Carcass worshipping style. The bass tone on here is excellent and the dual vocals are great as one is lower and gurgles and the other more high and scruff. The musicians here are outstanding. You do get a few guitar solos but not near the talent of said Carcass band yet fits perfectly.

I personally have nothing bad to say because I love this style of Death Metal but if you are looking for something different then I suggest going elsewhere. Myself I am looking forward to listening to this again. This album is what Carcass should have been after the first couple of releases so I am just going to continue considering this as one that flew under the radar and I rediscovered the lost Carcass I always wanted. In fact it’s so good I just played it twice.


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