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Cemetery Lights – Lemuralia [EP]

cemetery lights – lemuralia [ep]


The mysticism of the occult, moving itself through the unknown within the fog while the sounds rage in ominous ways and a whispering voice enchants the environment with black art…I present thee; Cemetery Lights!

The dark conjuring of the old Greek Black Metal scene is the sole fundament of this one man project by The Corpse (also known for his work within Martyrvore), yet the Italian cemetery wanderers Mortuary Drape deserve a honourable mention as well. To paint you a picture, it has more the dark bass driven Necromantia sound and variation than the more melodic approach of early Rotting Christ.

Absolutely some interesting Black Metal for you, if you’re into the dark atmosphere of Necromantia and Mortuary Drape.

Cemetery Lights

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