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Blood Magic – Mystic Warpath Conjuring [EP]

blood magic – mystic warpath conjuring [ep]


After two demos, with the first one released in 2020 and the second in 2022, the US-based Black Metal band Blood Magic comes up with a brand new 7” EP that sees the dark of night through the much revered Black Gangrene Productions label.

Without a glimmer of a doubt, this 7” EP is a great offering for those who love their Black Metal both fierce and authentically organic. The core of the band is rather simple riff-based Black Metal very much in the vein of Moonblood, Müttilation, Vlad Tepes and Judas Iscariot, especially the second track on the B-side, ‘On Black Winds Of Destiny / Sacred Spear Alliance’ sounds much like the latter two. It has that same sort of sharp-edged riffs in the coldest, hateful fashion, raspy vocals and a distinct primitive rhythm-section. But it is the synths that adds a bit of an extra dimension to the music, not all too different from the rejuvenated occult sort of Black Metal in today’s Black Metal scene. You can think of bands like Forbidden Temple and Moenen Of Xezbeth, those two Belgian acts do offer some great almost moody kind of Black Metal that subsequently pay homage to the greats of old, bands like Necromantia, Mortuary Drape and Samael.

The two tracks, together combining just over 10 minutes of new material, prove Blood Magic to be a new force to be reckoned with, it definitely earns them a place amongst those aforementioned Belgian bands as well as bands like Ceremonial Torture. Truly authentic and deeply obscure.

Blood Magic

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