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Antlers – Beneath.Below.Behold

antlers – beneath.below.behold


“Beneath.Below.Behold” is a masterpiece by the German band Antlers. You are swept up into a musical journey from the opening track, “Drowned In A Well,” all the way through to the very end of “The Tide”. Everything that is great about Atmospheric Black Metal is within this recording.

The first three tracks are instrumentals which could rival any piece of music written by a  classical composer. In addition to the usual elements of metal music there is a strong underlying presence of straight Classical music that creates a blend of sounds that is hard to describe, but should be experienced for its sheer beauty.

Tracks four and five are Black Metal at their core with a symphonic influence. Once again the songs are well-crafted and performed by the band who obviously takes great pride in their ability to create such excellent music. I found myself replaying both “Heal” and “Off With Their Tongues” several times while I was writing this review. “Beyond The Golden Light,” the sixth track, is in a class all by itself. It grabs you immediately with its hynotic beauty as it flows along like a dark river traveling through a strange and beautiful landscape. If Tolkien had written metal music THIS is what it would sound like.

The final three tracks continue the overall themes of darkness, sorrow and reflection quite well. “Theom” starts out deceptively with a single guitar playing before it explodes into melodic noise that is just PERFECT. If you don’t find yourself at the very least tapping your foot while you listen to it you should probably check your pulse because you might be dead. Yeah, it’s THAT good. It’s a longer song than most at eleven minutes, but you honestly won’t mind at all. “Metempsychosis” and “The Tide” round out the album nicely, leaving you quite glad you took the time to listen. A solid 10 out of 10 without question. (LouiseB)


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