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Lord Humongous – Rehearsal Discharge

lord humongous – rehearsal discharge


As time goes on we often seek out the most effective means to fulfill our needs,and in doing so we shed that which may be deemed obsolete, for it is like hand which puts down the cold steel of the sword to reload the barrel of a gun, even though the method has evolved, at times the art of aggression can be diluted in its transsion. However, there are some who seek to preserve that of the barbaric days, where the same hands that cleave in the skull of another carries with it the same incendiary rage that fuels the bloodlust.

‘Rehearsal Discharge’ by Lord Humongous, a compilation album consisting of rehearsal materials from their ammunition gives a new perspective and angle to their of Black/Thrash motions of warfare, taking the tracks from their first release and in turn giving it a rather dense and tangible essence.The manner in which these tracks are arranged manifests a raw and unbridled aura, where there is no compromise, for what is offered is a crude and blunt weapon, but a weapon that has tasted the air of sonic war. For the fusion of both the Black and Thrash Metal spirit are rendered in manner that feels both honest and primal in the delivery.

Tracks such as ‘Terminal Psychotic’, ‘Whiteline Nightmare’ and ‘Captain Walker’ though the skeletal structure remains the same, what is bestowed is a beast not yet tamed, feral and carnivorous in its ways, so too does this whole compilation feel in its overall atmosphere. For the unhindered spirit that resonates within each track, the gift is given to traverse each note, each chord, to inhale the rancor of the dissonance from the vocals and instrumental pieces. In my opinion, this encompasses the pinnacle of this compilation.

What Lord Humongous manages to create is a medium which disturbs the peace within a soul, to unearth and awaken the being that is seduced by the hymns of carnage and invigorated through the tongue of tyranny. For through it’s raw deliverance you are allowed to experience a chapter in the chronicles of Lord Humongous, albeit in its most naked form.